[fairy tail] SS Contest
![[fairy tail] SS Contest](http://img01.tec29.com/usr/release/fairystailsSSscontest.jpg)
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[fairy tail] SS Contest
<<< 賞金>>>
1位 5,000L$
2位 3,000L$
3位 2,000L$
応募者全員に、fairy tail ストアカード300L$を差し上げます。
期間中fairy tail本店にある対象商品を購入すると応募ノートが同封されています。
☑ fairy tailの対象商品のジュエリーを身につけること。
☑ SSの規定はサイズ512×512、フルパーミッション
☑ SSのタイトルはAV名にしてください。
☑ SSの撮り方は自由。(全身でも上半身のみでも)
☑ Photo Shopなどでの加工は可。(*注意*加工を競うものではありません。)
☑ 応募は一人一つまで。
募集期間:SLT 8月22日AM8:00
JPT8月23日AM0:00 まで
一般投票をWEB投票で行います。その後、審査員投票で決定します。比率は一般:審査員 30:70の割合にします。
展示はfairy tail本店にて、投票ページへのリンクは展示会場
また、fairy tailのblogに貼ります。
fairy tail Owner xxxriexxx Serevi
DUCKY! Owner
elysion optic Owner
fairy tail本店また、fairy tail blog
❤fairy tail main shop❤
All the persons who applied will be gifted with fairy tail store card valued at 300L$.
While the contest is held, when you buy the target products at the main shop of fairy tail, the application form will be enclosed with them.
☑ You must wear the jewelry of the target products of fairy tail.
☑ Your SS must be sized to 512×512 and modify ok, copy ok, transfer ok.
☑ SS title must be your avatar's name.
☑ The way of photographing is free. (either the whole body or above-the-waist is ok)
☑ Processing by graphic soft(ex. Photo Shop) is ok, but adding the name or any other letters is NOT ok. (*warning* This contest is not to compete the processing skill.)
☑ One person can apply only one time.
the deadline:August 22, 8:00am (SLT)
General vote will be held on website. After that, who the winners are will be decided by the judge vote. The ratio of general to judge on the vote value will be 30 to 70.
The exhibition will be at the main shop of fairy tail, and the link to the website for vote will be put on the exhibition place and the blog of fairy tail.
WEB vote period: August 26 to 30 (8:00amSLT), 2009
fairy tail Owner xxxriexxx Serevi
DUCKY! Owner
elysion optic Owner
event staff
September 3, 5:00am (SLT)
at fairy tail main shop or on fairy tail blog
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